Cyprus Association of New Jersey is a non-profit organization built by a handful of first and second generation Greek Cypriot Americans. It was established in 1983 in Piscataway, New Jersey, and joined the Federation of Cypriot American Organizations in March 2000.
Cyprus Association of New Jersey is unwavering in its dedication to preserving our cultural heritage, educating the public, and supporting initiatives that contribute to the betterment of our community and society as a whole. Through our multifaceted approach, we aim to ensure the enduring legacy and relevance of Greek Cypriot culture in the United States.
Mission Statement
Cyprus Association of New Jersey’s mission is to engage in, promote and support charitable and educational activities.
The association strives:
- To promote and encourage an interest in Greek-Cypriot culture and heritage.
- To educate the American public of the Cyprus problem.
- And to support the Government of Cyprus in its fight for justice in Cyprus.
Membership and Dues
- All Cypriots of the parish shall be considered members of Cyprus Association of New Jersey
- Cypriot Americans of New Jersey may be members of Cyprus Association of New Jersey.
- Any other interested member of the parish may become a member.
- The Executive Board of Cyprus Association of New Jersey sets yearly dues.
Executive Board
Simon Koumis - President
James Solomos - Vice President
Harriet Sideris - Recording Secretary
Elizabeth Koumis - Corresponding Secretary
Yianna Sideris - Treasurer
Follow Cyprus Association of New Jersey on social media:
For additional information, please email Cyprus Association of New Jersey at
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
1101 River Road; Piscataway, NJ 08854
Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
(732) 463-1642 /
Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
6FebS&S Dance Prac 6-7
GOYA Dance 7-9
6:30pm SS Teachers Mtg-Zoom
7:30-8:30pm Bible Study-ZoomFri
8FebSaint Theodore the Commander
9:00am Liturgy
Philoptochos General Mtg
PTO-Tour of the Greek Islands Event