Altar Servers
/ Get Involved / Altar Servers
Altar Boys


The role of the altar Boy remains a genuine and vital one in the Eucharistic Assembly of the faithful, as well as in other services. He stands ready to serve God in this capacity. It is a stewardship of young men; a service that they offer to God as their regular Sunday offering of talent and ability.



St. George Greek Orthodox Church
1101 River Road; Piscataway, NJ 08854
Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
(732) 463-1642 /

Orthros 9:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am

  • Tue

    11:00 Philoptochos Knitting
    S&S Practice
    Greek Play 7-9pm
    Playoffs Singing Duet 6:30pm
    6:30-7:30pm DANCE BEGINNERS
    7:30-8:30pm DANCE INTERME
  • Wed

    Band Practice 7-9pm
    7:00pm Board Mtg
  • Thu

    6:00-9:00pm MDF Prac
    6:30pm SS Teachers Mtg-Zoom
    7:30-8:30pm Bible Study-Zoom


St. George Greek Orthodox Church

1101 River Road; Piscataway, NJ 08854
(732) 463-1642 (Phone)
(732) 699-9309 (Fax)

Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

more info >